Project management

This page contains info relevant to project management activities, typically done by senior dev team members.

Dev commands

Given below are different commands you can run to build the application in different operating systems.

Command Description
npm run build Build the app. Your built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run build:prod Build the app with Angular aot. Your built files are in the /dist folder.
npm run deploy:web Will deploy the app onto the Github's gh-pages branch.
1. Add Environment variable of GH_TOKEN=<Github Personal Access Token> with the permission of repo.
2. build:prod:web command's --base-href argument in package.json must have the following format https://<OrgName or Username>
3. If you are deploying outside of CATcher-org then it would be necessary to create a new OAuth application and change the clientId in
4. If you are deploying outside of CATcher-org, you would also need to deploy your own instance of proxy server using gatekeeper and change the appropriate variables in

Automated release

Follow these steps to release a new version of CATcher using a GitHub Actions' workflow.

  1. Create and merge a Pull Request that updates CATcher's version number in the package.json file.
  2. Navigate to the Actions Tab of the CATcher repository and start the Version Deployment Workflow.
    • This workflow deploys the web app
  3. Edit the Draft Release:
    • Update the description with a changelog that describes any new features or bug fixes
  4. Publish the release.

Manual release

Follow these steps to manually release a new version of CATcher:

  1. Create and merge a Pull Request that updates CATcher's version number in the package.json file.
  2. Build the CATcher web application, and then deploy it onto CATcher's GitHub Pages site
  3. Create a release on GitHub:
    • Under the description, include a changelog that describes any new features or bug fixes
  4. Publish the release.